
TJSE determines recovery of DOK Group to return to jurisdiction of São Paulo

DOK Group’s judicial recovery entered a new chapter this month. After 15 months of hearings, the Court of Justice of the State of Sergipe has decided that the competent court for the company’s judicial recovery is Birigui, in São Paulo, where the manufacturer’s main establishment, the majority of the company’s shareholders, and the decision-making center are located, and also where the main contracts and debts of the business group were signed.


It was at the Birigui court, in São Paulo, that the judicial recovery of the DOK Group began. The company filed a request for preliminary injunctive relief on 28 December 2022, with debts exceeding BRL 400 million – which today have reached BRL 516 million. This type of injunction, an innovation in the reform of the Bankruptcy Law, anticipates the effects of the recovery and suspends executions against the company. This was initially granted but then revoked by the TJSP in January 2023.


Fabiana Solano comments on an article published by the newspaper Valor Econômico.


To read the full article click here. (available only in Portuguese)