5/11/2024 PGFN issues new notice of tax transaction by adhesion for debts registered in active debt of the Union
17/01/2023 The fiscal recovery measures announced by the Federal Government and the impact on taxpayers
28/12/2022 Ordinance PGFN No. 10,826/22 regulates the use of precatórios for discharge and amortization of overdue debt registered with the Union
28/12/2021 PGFN reopens transaction term for adhesion of debts registered in active debt of the Federal Government and FGTS
30/07/2021 Is there an obligation to register individual transaction agreements between taxpayers and the PGFN?
22/01/2021 PGFN issues an opinion that dispenses with contesting the incidence of social security contributions, employer’s quota, RAT and third parties on maternity pay
22/06/2020 Attorney General of the National Treasury (PGFN) issues new decree on Debts registered in Federal Debt Roster