6/07/2020 TRF-2 (2nd Region’s Federal Regional Court) allows the reutilization of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) following sterilization
6/07/2020 Provisional Measure extends the entry into force of the General Data Protection Act (LGPD) to May 2021
6/07/2020 The Full Bench of the Federal Supreme Court decided to suspend the efficacy of articles 29 and 31 of Provisional Measure nº 927/2020. The decision was handed down at the preliminary injunction trial in seven Direct Actions for Unconstitutionality (ADIs)
6/07/2020 ANEEL (Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency) is likely to maintain billing of Contracted Demand
3/07/2020 Waiver, anticipation of payments and use of Differentiated Regime of Public Contracts during the pandemic