9/09/2021 Victoria Vaccari Villela Boacnin co-authored the article “Free and Clear – Requirements and advantages of the acquisition of assets via UPI within the scope of judicial reorganization”
9/09/2021 Producer sues plants by using data in CBios; Orplana claims that the ethanol certification did not comply with the LGPD
8/09/2021 Amendment to the Industrial Property Law allows the temporary breaking of patents on vaccines and medicines for emergency situations in the health area
8/09/2021 Provisional Measure amends the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet and the Copyright Law to restrict content moderation by social media platforms
25/08/2021 Federal Revenue expresses opinion on the need to exclude ICMS in the calculation of PIS and COFINS credits
25/08/2021 Wage reduction and contract suspension program ends this Wednesday; measure was renewed in April and affected at least 2.5 million workers