8/03/2021 STF Recognizes the Unconstitutionality of the Requirement for ITCMD on Donations and Inheritances from Abroad
2/03/2021 STF modulates decision on the non-incidence of ICMS on software transactions – understand the practical effects
17/02/2021 The Federal Revenue has flexibilized the orientation for appropriation of PIS and COFINS credits. One highlight is waste treatment and reverse logistics could be another!
12/02/2021 PGFN authorizes unpaid debt transactions due to the economic crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic
23/07/2020 Federal Government presents tax reform proposal that eliminates PIS/COFINS and institutes CBS
8/07/2020 New law on Tax Debt Transactions and Mediation and Arbitration in the Municipality of Sao Paulo