
MS calls on companies to prove reverse packaging logistics for 2022

The Mato Grosso do Sul Environmental Institute (IMASUL) published on 10 July 2024 Ordinance No. 1,463/2024, calling on product manufacturers and importers to prove the implementation of the General Packaging Reverse Logistics System (Sisrev/MS) for the base year 2022.


The Ordinance lists thousands of companies by corporate name and CNPJ that need to prove the implementation, structuring and operationalization of the reverse logistics system for packaging in general in MS, in accordance with State Decree No. 16,089/2023. Furthermore, if the call included only the CNPJ of the head office, the registration responsibility extends to the branches linked to the head office.


Check out the complete material (available only in Portuguese) that our Environmental team prepared about the publication here.