5/11/2024 PGFN issues new notice of tax transaction by adhesion for debts registered in active debt of the Union
30/10/2024 ICMS Agreement No. 109/2024: new rules for transferring credits between establishments with the same ownership
29/10/2024 Decree No. 12,226 regulates removal of the qualification of a jurisdiction with favored taxation or privileged tax regime
23/10/2024 PGE/SP launches new notice of adhesion transaction for companies in the process of judicial recovery, judicial/extrajudicial liquidation, or bankruptcy
9/10/2024 MP establishes in Brazil Pillar 2 of the OECD BEPS Project (Minimum Global Taxation of 15%)
30/09/2024 Law No. 14,973/2024: Gradual Payroll Reimbursement, Reduction of the additional Import-COFINS, Update of the Value of Real Estate, Reinstitution of RERCT and Dirbi
24/09/2024 RFB issues position regarding the inclusion of FECP in the PIS and COFINS calculation base