Tax and Wealth Management
Our tax department is made up of 20 professionals, headed by four partners with widely recognized experience and excellence. Our subgroups allow our professionals to specialize in tax consultancy and planning, tax litigation and liability management, customs and social security, and wealth planning and succession planning.
Tax Advisory
We provide specialized tax consultancy and planning services for a wide range of businesses, covering direct and indirect taxes, customs duties, social security payments, international operations and transfer pricing. We define and quantify tax risks and exposure; plan for tax structures and facilitation of payments; and assist clients in qualifying for special tax regimes, regional and sector focused tax incentives, as well as incentive-based tax installment programs.
Tax Litigation
In litigation of both administrative and judicial natures, we have expertise in:
- Administrative challenges relating to notices of violation and declarations of non-compliance against nonratified tax offsets;
- Judicial defenses and appeals in tax foreclosures and tax injunctions;
- Judicial measures aimed at reducing the tax burden and reimbursement of overpaid taxes;
- Writs of mandamus aimed at restricting the practice of abusive and illegal acts by tax authorities;
- Responses to tax inspections; and
- Efficient management of materialized tax liabilities.
Customs and Social Security
We advise clients in relation to:
- Violation in customs and social security matters;
- Legal defenses against tax foreclosures;
- Claims in customs tax regimes, including Drawback, Temporary Admission, ‘Blue Line’, etc.;
- Ex-tariff claims and requests for temporary and permanent reduction of importation tax;
- Release of unjustifiably retained goods;
- Monitoring tax inspections in customs and social security matters; and
- Social security planning, remuneration of executives and assistance for foreigners sent to Brazil.
Wealth Management and Succession Planning
We also assist individuals with:
- Tax-efficient succession and marriage planning;
- Equity protection;
- Structuring of investment funds and overseas investments, including advice on definitive or temporary withdrawal from Brazil; and
- Advice on the repatriation of financial sums and on the provision of information to inland revenue and bank authorities.