Federal Revenue formalizes the termination of PERSE due to the budget ceiling being reached
Termination of PERSE: Federal Revenue Formalizes the End of the Program The Federal Revenue Service published Executive...
We completed 50 years of history in 2020. Throughout our trajectory we have been able to count on our partners, collaborators, clients and other associates who have propelled us to become one of the most admired firms in the country. We look to the future committed to innovation and excellence in performance, based on our achievements of the present.
We are proud to lean on dynamism and a pioneering spirit as pillars for our constant development.
women partners
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˃ 4,000
active clients in 27 countries
˃ 500
pro bono hours in past two years
We are known not only for our market leading and extremely sophisticated Restructuring and Insolvency expertise. As a full service firm, our Banking and Finance, Corporate and M&A, Dispute Resolution, Labor and Employment and Tax teams aggregate years of wide-ranging experience in advising both national and international clients.