
Brazil publishes Low Carbon Emission Hydrogen Legal Framework

Law No. 14,948 was published on Friday, 2 August 2024, establishing the Legal Framework for Low Carbon Emission Hydrogen in Brazil. The new standard aims to promote the production and sustainable use of hydrogen, aligning with the country’s environmental commitments and encouraging the energy transition, as well as promoting the creation of the hydrogen industry and the expansion of its value chain.


The law establishes the National Low Carbon Emission Hydrogen Policy (PNH2), which defines principles such as technological neutrality, the competitive insertion of hydrogen in the Brazilian energy matrix and the promotion of research and development. Low-carbon hydrogen, the subject of the standard, is defined as that produced with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions equal to or less than 7 kgCO2eq/kgH2, and can be obtained from various sources, including renewable processes such as water electrolysis using solar and wind energy or other processes using biomass and natural gas reforming.

Check out the full content here (available only in portuguese).
