Natural Gas

We assist clients at all stages of the natural gas industry chain, including:

  • Advice on migration of Industrial Consumers to the “free market” of natural gas;
  • Legal and regulatory aspects related to the natural gas market, that is, distribution, commercialization, transport, and import;
  • Advice on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) operations;
  • Assistance in structuring natural gas traders;
  • Advice, analysis and drafting of contracts and conditions for the acquisition and sale of natural gas;
  • Analysis of natural gas consumption conditions in the captive and free market, with a view to detecting economic, legal, regulatory and operational risks;
  • Legal and regulatory support in natural gas auctions;
  • Legal, arbitration and administrative matters related to the natural gas market;
  • Legal and regulatory matters related to the tariff review before State Regulatory Agencies;
  • Legal aspects related to the declaration of public utility, for the purpose of expropriation and institution of administrative easement, in areas necessary for the implementation of gas pipelines;
  • Legal and regulatory support before the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP); and
  • Tax impacts on the natural gas sector.


Maria da Graça de Brito Vianna Pedretti

Maria da Graça de Brito Vianna Pedretti

+55 (11) 3141-9102

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