Banking and Finance

We advise domestic and foreign clients, among them banks, governmental and multilateral agencies (IDB, IFC, IIC, Exim-Bank, OPIC), rating agencies, borrowers and sponsors, on cross-border and local financing transactions of different modalities, including project, corporate, structured or acquisition finance, syndicated loans, securitization, leasing transactions, and import and export finance, in various sectors, including manufacturing, telecommunications, logistics, energy and sanitation.


We also provide legal assistance on banking regulatory matters, including administrative proceedings conducted before the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN), the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (CVM), the Superintendency of Private Insurance (SUSEP) and the National Financial System Appeal Council, among others.




Maria da Graça de Brito Vianna Pedretti

Maria da Graça de Brito Vianna Pedretti

+55 (11) 3141-9102

See Profile

Ricardo Higashitani

Ricardo Higashitani

+55 (11) 3141-9130

See Profile

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